Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Optional subjects
Seat of the course: 
Como - Sant'Abbondio
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (35 hours)

The students will have to met the following requirements:
a) good knowledge of the euro-atlantic history from the fall of the roman empire till the cold war
b) good knowledge of the european philosophic thought from the Scolastica till the Vienna Circle
c) advanced skill to autonomously process the notions exposed in class and mastery of the italian language.

Oral exams during which the students will have to demonstrate mastery of the concepts covered in the course, personally interpreted and exposed with precise language. Active participation during class and the fulfillment of the above mentioned requirements will contribute to the final mark

Voto Finale

The course aims to enlighten Law students about the juridical system as a product of the political, cultural and economical event occurred during its formation. Those knowledges will encourage the scholars not to limit their future career to abstract idea with no links to reality.

The theological-political genesis of sovereignty: religion and politics in the age of Constantine the Great and Eusebius of Caesarea (approximately 6 hours).
The development of the politics in the Middle Ages from Augustine of Hippo to Thomas Aquinas (approximately 6 hours).
The sixteenth century: the recovery of eusebian, augustinian and gelasian ideas and the Reformation (approximately 3 hours).
The age of the Ancient Régime and the new form of the political mediation: from Thomas Hobbes to the Natural Law (approximately 6 hours).
French revolution, Counter-revolution and Romanticism: secularization at the end of the theological-political mediation (approximately 4 hours).
The degeneration of the concept of Sacred and the nihilist construction of the contemporary State (about 6 hours).
The current debate (about 2 hours).

Teologia politica, a cura di L. Sartori e M. Nicoletti, Bologna, Edb, 1991.
M. Terni, La pianta della sovranità: teologia politica tra Medioevo ed età moderna, Roma, Laterza, 1995.


classroom-taught lessons with the support of documents provided during class.

Attending students, can contact the teacher via WhatsApp, as well as during the office hours.

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click on the activity card to see more information, such as the teacher and descriptive texts.