Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in CHEMICAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

The achievement of the second year course of Analytical Chemistry I is required. Knowledges deriving from the first year courses of chemistry, mathematics and physics are required.

The exam of this module will feature a written test and an oral examination. The written test includes two question on topics discussed during the lectures plus an exercise of statistics. The oral examination will concern two questions about all issues discussed during the lectures.
The mark of this module will be the averege of the written and the oral examination During the written examination it is possible to do also the exercise which is necessary to pass Module B.
The final mark of the whole course will be the average of the marks gained in the two modules

Voto Finale

The goal of this module is to furnish theoretical knowledges about instrumental analytical chemistry. The student will acquire knowledges in the following fields:
a)evaluation of the performances of analytical protocols;
b)instrumental calibration methods;
c)atomic absorption and atomic emission spectroscopy;
d)mass spectrometry;
f)hyphenated techniques such as GC-MS, ICP-MS, LC-MS.
The skills the student is expected to acquire relates to the deep understandings of the theoretical basis of hardware organization for the above mentioned instrumentations.

Linear and non linear instrumental calibration methods (4 h). Statistical analysis of uncertainties related to instrumental determination (6 h). Theory and application of flame- and electrothermal- atomic absorption spectroscopy (6 h). Theory and application of plasma-based atomic emission spectroscopy (4 h). Mass spectrometry: sources, analyzers and detectors (10 h). Limits and applications of mass scpectrometry (2 h). Gas-chromatography: theory and applications (4 h). Hyphenated techniques: ICP-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS (12 h).

a)evaluation of the performances of analytical protocols;
b)instrumental calibration methods;
c)atomic absorption and atomic emission spectroscopy;
d)mass spectrometry;
f)hyphenated techniques such as GC-MS, ICP-MS, LC-MS.

Instrumental analysis Principles - Holler, Skoog, Crouch - Cengage Learning, Inc.
Contemporary Instrumental Analysis– Rubinson, Rubinson – Prentice Hall College Div

The module will be taught during 48 h of lectures

Office hours by e-mail appointment:


Parent course