English language Advanced 1 and Translation

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (55 hours), Exercise (120 hours)

Knowledge of English at C1 level (CEFR) is required.

Final Examination: 

The exam is made up of 3 tests:
1) a preliminary written test common to both pathways
2) a preliminry oral test common to both pathways
3) a specific test according to the chosen pathway

Admission to the oral exam depens on passing the written test with a mark not lower than 18/30. If the oral is passed with a mark no lower than 18/30 the student can proceed to the pathway specific exam. The written exam will be valid for twelve months and includes Use of English exercises to che knowledge of grammar and vocabulary (multiple choice, cloze test, sentence transfromation etc) and a writing exercise (with the aid of a monolingual dictionary the students will prepare a report on an audio recording).
The oral exam involves an interview in English (short presentation or similar).
Translation Laboratory
The specific exam for the laboratory of legal and economics translation is a 60 minute exam which involves a written comprehension test based on theories studied during the course and a translation from English to Italian of phrases from an authentic legal or economics text such as those studied during the course.
Mediation Laboratory
The exam for the linguistic, cultural and legal mediation laboratory will last about 30 minutes and is structured as follows:
- reporting in English and Italian. Students will listen to an audio passage and provide an oral summary in English and Italian. Notes may be made.
-interpreting a dialogue from English into Italian and from Italian into English. Studnets will enact the role ofan interpreter in a simlated situation based on the themes of the course.

All courses carry equal weight. The communication skills of the student will be evaluated on the basis of accuracy, completeness and fluency.

Voto Finale

The aim of the course is to strengthen competencies in the use of English for communication, to develop the student's knowledge of the pragmatic dynamics typical of the types of text relevant to the activities of a translator and mediator and to improve an understanding of the socio-cultural contexts of communication.
The student will consolidate previous competencies in textual and pragmatic discourse anaysis in order to be able to professionally manage written and oral communication in general English and in domain-specific English.
At the end of the course the student will have developed an advanced-level understanding of structural elements such as particular aspects of phonetics, morphology, vocabulary and syntax and of functional elements of English.

Focus on the development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills aimed at reaching proficiency (level C2 CEFR)by the end of the two year course.

The student will be offered the tools to develop specialist and professional functional skills in English: vocabulary will be enriched and communication skills will be developed to attain a high-level of oral and written comprehension and production.

Guided listening and critical analysis of audio-visual material will enable the student to acquire the necessary knowledge of the various communication practices according to context and functionality of the listening passages. The study of certain fundamental aspects of textual linguistics (in particular discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and pragmatics) will be the basis of preparation for oral and written translation work.

The practical laboratory work (in legal and economics translation or in community and negotiation translation, according to the student's chosen pathway) will provide practical exercise and application of the knowledge acquired during the course, and forms an integral part of the course. Within the laboratory sessions the student will be able to consolidate competencies through case studies, problem solving and simulation of situations which might typically be encountered in the relevant chosen professional area.

Attending and non-attending students :
A. Clare and J.J. Wilson, Speakout, ADVANCED, Students Book with DVD, ActiveBook and MyEnglishLab, ISBN 9781292115917.
MyEnglishLab is a fundamental part of the compulsory study materials for the course: it is a dedicated online platform which enables face to face lessons to be complemented with exercises selected by the teacher, and it provides useful revision and self study material. Access to MyEnglishLab is via the personal code provided with the version of Speakout indicated above.
Dictionaries and grammar reference books (N.B.: these are not compulsory texts but are suggested texts in the case of a new acquisition):
- Longman, Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus (British English, CEFR B2-C2), ISBN 9781408252260
-Longman, Dictionary of Contemporary English, 6th edition (British and American English, CEFR B2-C2), ISBN 9781447954200
- Longman, MyGrammarLab, Students Book with MyEnglishLab (with key), ISBN 9781408299111
Legal and Economics Translation Laboratory:
Material provided by the teacher-
Suggested dictionary
S. De Palma (a cura di), con la collaborazione di A. Grasso e J. Schorah, Dizionario di Inglese Giuridico, Filodiritto Editore, Bologna, maggio 2012.
Laboratorio curriculum mediazione linguistica, culturale e giuridica
Russo, M., Mack, G. (a cura di), Interpretazione di trattativa, 2005, Milano, Hoepli, ISBN 8820335131
Mikkelson, H., Jourdenais, R. (a cura di), The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, 2015, London, Routledge, ISBN 9780415811668
Tipton, R., Furmanek, O., Dialogue Interpreting. A Guide to Interpreting in Public Services and the Community, 2016, London, Routledge, ISBN 9781138784628
Hsieh, E., Bilingual Health Communication. Working with Interpreters in Cross-Cultural Care, 2016, London, Routledge, ISBN 9781138999459
Further reference material will be indicated on the university emlearning platform in the area dedicated to the course http://elearning3.uninsubria.it/

The English course is annual and involves 55 hours of lessons common to both pathways. The two laboratories of 60 hours annually (30 hours per term) differ according to the pathway and form an integral part of the overall course. Having completed the face to face lessons, the student will carry out some guided independent learning in the language laboratory. The main English language course will be taught in English while the laboratories will be taught in both English and Italian.
