- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, laboratory medicine
Oral examination. Objective: to test the acquired abilities on the above mentioned subjects.
In particular, the final mark will results from the following:
1. 70%: knowledge of the subject
2. 20%: comprehension and discussion of the subjects, particularly in relation to specific clinical cases
3. 10%: scientific language.
The mark is expressed as a single evaluation for the integrated course
General knowledge of diseasesThe main objective is to reach an appropriate knowledge of hematological malignancies and diseases. Students will be asked to know and to discuss simply on pathogenesis of hematological diseases (main concepts), and method for diagnosis.
General knowledge of diseases (see single courses)
Rugarli - Medicina Interna sistematica
formal lessons
The teacher is available by appointment (upon previous e-mail request).
Credits: 1
Credits: 1
Credits: 1
Credits: 1