- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Basic knowledge of chemistry, physics and geology
Esame Orale
This course aims to give an economic view to geology, with a particular focus on Georesources, Petroleum and Geothermal Geology.
Minerals and rocks
Geological evolution of the Earth
Geology of sedimentary basins
Petroleum geology
Geothermal geology
Brigio, Montanari. Metalli e minerali industriali. Parametri Geominerari ed Economici. Aracne editrice
Kogel, Trivedi, Barker, Krukowski. Industrial Minerals and Rocks. SME
Evans. Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals. An introduction. Blackwell Science.
Robb. Introduction to ore-forming processes. Blackwell Publishing.
Chapman. Petroleum Geology.Elsevier.
Huenges. Geothermal Energy Systems. Wiley-VCH.
Slides and supplementary materials will be provided during the course.
Frontal Lessons (24 hours)
2 daily field excursion (16 hours)
By email