Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL MEDIATION
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Standard lectures hours: 

In order to profitably attend classes and pass the final examination, students should already have a knowledge of the Russian language at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001).

Propedeuticity: Russian language II

Final Examination: 

For attending and non-attending the exam is a test designed to evaluate the acquired skills and, in particular, the critical capacity and the historical-cultural analysis.

Voto Finale

The aim of this course is to bring students who already possess intermediate morphosyntactic language skills in Russian to a level of competence comparable to B2 (Постпороговый Уровень - Vantage Level).

The course aims to increase knowledge and understanding of different aspects of the Russian language, with particular focus on the lexicon and the morphosynthax, further strengthening communicative skills.


• syntax of simple and complex sentences; in-depth analysis of specific grammatical issues: time complements; pronouns (negative, indefinite); verbs (gerunds, participles); verbal aspects; prefixation.
• vocabulary and cultural knowledge (страноведение, культурология).

Course materials are available in the relevant folder on the ELearning system
Those who are not attending the course and those who wish to deepen individual aspects of the course are advised to read one or more of the following texts:
• F. Fici Giusti, L. Gebert, S. Signorini. 1991. La lingua russa. Storia, struttura, tipologia. Firenze: La Nuova Italia scientifica.
A good introduction to the Russian language.
• P. Cubberley. 2002. Russian: A linguistic Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
A good English presentation of the contemporary Russian language system.
• A. Gančikov. 2004. Grammatica russo facile. Milano: Vallardi.
A text of immediate consultation, simple and inexpensive.
• К.И.Пехливанова, М.Н.Лебедева. 2007. Грамматика русского языка в иллюстрациях. Москва: Русский Язык.
In Russian, but easy to use because all grammatical material is presented through tables and drawings.
• С.А.Хавронина, А.И.Широченская. 2007. Русский язык в упражнениях. Roma: Il Punto Editoriale.
It is an excellent exercise book and covers all the morphology studied in the three years.
• C. Cevese, Ju. Dobrovol’skaja, E. Magnanini. 2000. Grammatica Russa. Morfologia: Teoria e Esercizi. Milano: Hoepli.
It is a very detailed grammar, with in-depth coverage of all the aspects of the Russian morphological system.
•C. Cevese, Ju. Dobrovol’skaja. 2005. Sintassi Russa: Teoria e Esercizi. Milano: Hoepli.
A very detailed presentation of the Russian syntactic system.

The course runs throughout the Academic Year with 110 hours of lessons (60 hours of the theoretical course and 50 hours of practical sessions).

The program is divided into two modules.
Lessons and practical sessions are held in
Via Sant'Abbondio 12, 22100 Como

Continuous attendance is strongly recommended. Non-attending students should contact the course tutor at the beginning of the academic year in order to agree a supplementary program.