English language Advanced 2 and Translation
Students should pass the 1st year exams before progressing to 2nd year.
Students who hold an official certification of C2 level English, issued by one of the bodies recognised by MIUR will be exempted from written English Language exam (the list of recognised certifying bodies can be found at
http://hubmiur.pubblica.istruzione.it/web/istruzione/dg-personale-scolas... The certificate is to be shown to the main English language course teacher during the year and before the exams.
The exam consist of 3 separate parts:
- a preliminary written language test common to both pathways
- a preliminary oral exam common to both pathways
- an exam specific to the chosen pathway
The written exam will include Use of English exercises to test grammar and vocabulary and a test of Writing (for example a report based on an audio recording or a discursive essay). Use of a monolingual dictionary is allowed. The exam must be passed with a mark of no less than 18/30. The Written exam will b valid for 12 months.
The oral exam is based on an interview (simulation of a job interview, short presentation or similar situation)
Having passed the oral and written exams students can proceed to the pathway specific laboratory exam.
The exam consists in the translation of extracts from authentic texts analysed during the year.
The exam lasts 60 minutes - a bilingual or monolingual dictionary is allowed.
The exam is in 3 parts:
- note-taking from a 5-6 minute audio passage in English with subsequent translation into Italian
- note-taking from a 5-6 minute audio passage in Italian with subsequent translation into English
- simulation of a interpreting role for a dialogue from Englihs into Italian and from Italian into English, based on one of the thematic areas studied during the course.
The second year of the course aims to attain a Proficiency level of linguistic competency (CEFR C2). This will be through continued study of advanced English syntax, developing a sensitivity to register and vocabualry for different professional and social contexts.
The course will continue to focus on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills through analysis of texts and audio visual recordings to develop recognition and familiarity with lexical and syntactical structures, with the objective of developing a sensibility to the type of language required in different professional environments.
Beyond the study of grammar and language, particular attention will be paid to the production of specific types of professional written work, such as reports, summaries, memos and cover letters and to exposure to different types of listening comprehension, again on themes relevant to the contemporary workplace.
The second-year laboratory is designed to enable students to revise and further develop the skills and knowledge acquired during the first-year course as regards the key features of legal language and the practical/professional application of legal translation methods and techniques.
Lessons will be held as translation workshops, offering students practical in-class translation training. As second-year students are already familiar with legal translation methods and techniques, they will be asked to perform at a higher level of technical difficulty using the paper and online resources illustrated during the first-year laboratory. Students will translate documents in the following three main subject areas: contract law, company law and procedural law. Students' translation work will be analysed and marked with feedback from the course teacher.
The course will continual to develop skills pertinent to the role of communitiy interpreter from English to Italian and from Italian to English. The basic techniques of consecutive interpreting in contexts such as company/commercial , health and welfare and legal situations, with particular attention paid to different registers, linguistic styles, cultural contexts and specific terminology.
The didactic activities include memory techniques in preparation for consecutive interpreting, synthesis, summarising and reformulation. There will also be exercises in "sight read" translation, note taking, shadowing and consecutive interpreting. Students will learn the main symbols and abbreviations used in note taking and techniques for developing a personalised system of symbols. Exercises will focus on presentation skills through connective and discursive structures. Didactic materials include audiovisual materials characterised by different linguistic varieties from anglophone countries used by mother tongue speakers and second language speakers. A fundamental requirement is an excellent knowledge of the Italian language (at least C1 CEFR) with accurate written and oral fluency. An advanced level knowledge of written and spoken English is necessary.
Texts and learning materials will be indicated by the teachers at the beginning of the course, and details will be posted on the e-learning platform.
Dossier of contracts, company documents and legal cases will be prepared by the laboratory teacher.
Suggested dictionary
De Palma, S. (a cura di), con la collaborazione di Grasso, A. e Schorah, J., Dizionario di Inglese Giuridico, 2012, Bologna, Filodiritto Editore,
Laboratorio curriculum mediazione linguistica, culturale e giuridica
Falbo, C., Russo, M. in Straniero Sergio, F. (a cura di), Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva: problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche, 1999, Milan, Hoepli Editore
Mikkelson, H., Jourdenais, R. (a cura di), The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, 2015, London, Routledge, ISBN 9780415811668
Tipton, R., Furmanek, O., Dialogue interpreting. A Guide to Interpreting in Public Services and the Community, 2016, London, Routledge, ISBN 9781138784628
Someya, Y. (eds.), Consecutive Notetaking and Interpreter Training, London, Routledge, ISBN 9781138656734 (disponibile dal 30 dicembre 2016)
Hsieh, E., Bilingual Health Communication. Working with Interpreters in Cross-Cultural Care, 2016, London, Routledge, ISBN 9781138999459
Mulayim, S. Lai, M., Ethics for Police Translators and Interpreters, London, Routledge, ISBN 9781498746502 (disponibile dall’11 ottobre 2016)
Mikkelson, H., Introduction to Court Interpreting (2nd Edition), London, Routledge, ISBN 9781138916517 (disponibile dal 25 November 2016)
Lee, J., Buzo, A. Community Language Interpreting 2009, London, Routledge, ISBN 9781862877467
Glendinning, E., Howard, R., Professional English in Use Medicine, 2007, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521682015
Further reference paper, electronic or multi media materials will be made available on the e-learning platform, http://elearning3.uninsubria.it/
Suggested dictionary
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge University Press
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Longman
Longman Business English Dictionary, Pearson Longman
- Picchi, Nuovo Picchi Grande Dizionario Inglese-Italiano, Italiano-Inglese, Hoepli
- Il Grande Dizionario Hazon, Garzanti
The main language course involves 55 hours of lessons common to both pathways. The two laboratories of 60 hours annually (30 hours per term) differ accordiing to pathway and form an integral part of the overall course.
Teaching activities will focus on anaysis and linguistic comprehension of written and oral communication typical of different social, cultural and professional contexts. To this end students will be expected to consolidate the concepts illustrated during the lessons through individual study and through the exercises provided by the teachers.
The main language course will be taught in English, The pathway workshops will be taught in both English and Italian.