Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in GIURISPRUDENZA
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

It is demanded that the student has already acquired the concerning acquaintances of institutional character the public and private roman right given in the course of History of by right roman the roman right and Institutions

The examination in the end-of-course appeals is a mandatory oral exam, with open questions.
The students could participate to an optional written exam. The students that will pass the optional examination, in the end-of-course appeals will be study the remaining part of the program

Voto Finale

The course has for main objective to supply a panoramic one of the Latin epigraphs.
More in detail, the following objectives are pursued:
- acquaintance of the main connoting characters the latin epigraphic texts,
- understanding of the importance that the latin epigraphic texts cover for the best one acquaintance of the roman legal system,
- ability to critical analysis to latin epigraphic texts,
- ability to expose the acquired acquaintances with a speech organic and logically constructed and with the use of an appropriate terminology

The course is carried out in the first semester, with an oral conclusive examination and an intermediate test written.
The course is offered in video-teaching on both sites of Como and Varese.
The didactic activity will be carried out through the development of frontal lessons (for a total number of 35 hours).
The course will be structured in two parts: a general part, dedicated to the explicitation of basic skills needed to undertake the epigraphic studies, and a Special Part time analysis of key documents stone having the character and content purely legal or otherwise of high relevance to survey on the Roman Law

Recommended reading list (Bibliography)
For the preparation of the contents base of the Course the study of the following manual will be demanded:
P. Lepore, Introduzione allo studio dell’epigrafia giuridica latina, Milano, Giuffrè, 2010.
During the course, lectures will be alongside some traditional lectures with slides (power point).

The didactic activity will be carried out through the development of frontal lessons (for a total number of 35 hours, in connection with the number of 6 CFU attributed to the Course).

Office hours
Prof. Paolo Lepore will meet students on the basis of weekly calendar. Changes in office hours will be shown in the teacher's homepage.
Contact hours
Hyperlink to the page of the times and locations of the Cd.

Exam sessions
Hyperlink to the appeals board.

Parent course