Knowledge of the English language
The course foresees the following results:
- very good knowledge of the radiation-matter interaction
- very good knowledge of the detectors features with their pros and cons
- development of the capability of choosing the ideal detector, once being given the measurement constraints and goals
- capability of designing an experimental setup for a given measurement
- capability of understanding the problems related to an experimental setup and of proposing possible solutions
- development of the capability to grasp from a course with a huge amount of info what is fundamental to design a detector system
Course program
The course phases are the following:
- Introduction to detector physics:
* radiation-matter interaction for charged particles, X-rays, gamma-rays and neutrons
* nuclear physics measurements: momentum, energy, particle identification
- The detectors for nuclear and subnuclear physics:
* ionizing detectors
* scintillating detectors and photon detectors
* semiconductor detectors
* readout electronics and signal treatment
* data acquisition systems
Teaching methods
The course is based on:
- lessons
- discussions of a topic that has been assigned to the class: every student has to find the bibliograpy on that topic for a general discussion in the class itself during one of the lessons
Textbooks and references
The following bibliography is used:
- W.R.Leo, ISBN 0-387-57280-5
- G.F.Knoll, ISBN 0-471-07338-5
- K. Kleinknecht, Detectors for particle radiation, 2nd ed, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1998 (ISBN 0521648548)
- slides for the lessons and seminars/articles on the different types of detectors
Final exam
The final exam is an oral one with a starting topic chosen by the student who gives a lesson of around 20 minutes on the topic itself. The student is then tested on the other topics of the course with questions that have not necessarily been met during the course in order to verify the level the student has reached. During the exam, the student is always asked to design a detector setup for a particular physics measurement.