The student must be familiar with the principles of wave propagation in dieletric materials and with the laws of classical Electromagnetism.
Comprehension of the natural phenomena related to Optics. Acquisition of the knowledge of geometrical optics, and aberrations, light propagation in dielectric media, polarization, interference, diffraction and Fourier Optics.
•Atmospherical optical phenomena
•Review of wave propagation and electromagnetic theory (chap.1-3)
•Light propagation (chap.4)
•Geometrical Optics (chap.5)
•Wave superposition (chap.7)
•Polarization (chap.8)
•Interference (chap.9)
•Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction (Chap.10)
•Fourier Optics (Chap.11)
The chapters indicated refer to the book “Optics” by Hecht.
Book “OPTICS” by Eugene Hecht, 4th Edition (International edition).