- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
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Quantum Mechanics
oral ezamination
Knowledge of:
-the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
-the main spectroscopic techniques
-spectroscopic transition rules
Selection of the most suitable technique(s) according to the desired outcome
Critical analysis of experimental results
Selection of the spectroscopic approach
Discussion of results
The electromagnetic field and its interaction with matter. Absorption and emission of radiation. Line width, line-broadening effects and possible solutions.
Rotational spectroscopy. Linear molecules, spherical rotors, symmetric/asymmetric rotors. Rotational raman spectroscopy. Determination of molecular structure from rotational constants.
Vibrational spectroscopy. Vibrational spectra of biatomic molecules. Polyatomic molecules: harmonic potential and normal modes. Anharmonicity. Infrared and Raman spectra.
Electronic spectroscopy. Atomic spectra and classification of electronic states. Electronic states and spectra of diatomic molecules. Vibrational and rotational structure.
Polyatomic molecules and electronic states. Cromophores. Fate of the excited states. Decay processes, fluorescence and phosphorescence.
Photoelectron spectroscopy. Ionization processes.
UPS, XPS, Auger and EXAFS spectoscopies.
Laser and spectroscopy. Laser examples. Use of lasers in spectroscopy, e.g. raman spectroscopy and femtochemistry.
Magnetic spectroscopies: principles and applications. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)
-Atkins' Physical Chemistry
-"Modern Spectroscopy", J. Michael Hollas - John Wiley & Sons.
- Didactic material provided by the teacher
frontal classes
Degree course in: PHYSICS