Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Midwifery
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (16 hours)

Knowledge of the basic preparatory concepts learned during the previous two years.

Voto Finale

The main objective of this teaching lies in the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to generic home care and puerperium; to obstetric psychoprophylaxis and birth accompanying courses; to the relationship of the midwife with the foreign woman, her needs and the concept of pain in various cultures; to the execution of vaginal and urethral swabs and to the differential diagnosis between vaginitis and vaginosis; the guidelines for the prophylaxis of sexually transmitted diseases and the management of the abnormal pap test.

At the end of the course it is expected that the student will be able to plan interventions aimed at performing home care in postnatal care, organizing and managing birth support courses, understanding the needs of a foreign woman and the pain expressed in various cultures, performing the cervical and urethral vaginal swabs, recognizing vaginitis and vaginosis by placing a differential diagnosis between them, knowing the guidelines for the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and knowing how to manage the relationship with a patient carrying an abnormal pap smear.

At the end of the course the student will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
1. Explain the role of the midwife in home care for the puerperium and how to describe its activity;
2. Organize and conduct birth preparation courses also in collaboration with other professional figures
3. Recognize the needs of a foreign woman in relation to motherhood and in particular the pain in its many facets.
4. Knowing how to describe the rules governing health care, rights and protection for foreign women in Italy.
5. Knowing how to identify the physiology and pathology of the vaginal secretion and to recognize the most common inflammatory vaginal pathologies and their causes;
6. Proceed with the execution of the most common vaginal and urethral swabs;
7. Knowing how to describe the role of the midwife in the management of an obstetric and / or gynecological patient who presents an abnormal pap test;
8. Know the main sexually transmitted diseases and the guidelines that prevent their transmission.

• Generic, integrated and obstetrician gynecological home assistance and its organization.
• Midwifery home care at the puerperium: role and skills.
• The PPO and the accompanying courses at birth: the history, the types, the aims, the expectations, the management of the group, the objectives and the management.
• Immigration concepts; normative references and rights of immigrant women: registration with the SSN and STP; cultural mediation; pain and childbirth in various cultures.
• The vaginal ecosystem, physiological and pathological leucorrhoea and probiotics.
• The vaginal swab: types, execution and interpretation of results.
• Vaginitis and vaginosis: etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis and therapy
• The Pap Test: Italian and American guidelines and the role of the midwife in managing a patient with abnormal Pap Test.
• Role of the midwife in the prophylaxis of transmission of STDs.

• Guana M, et al. The obstetric discipline: theory, practice and organization of the profession. McGraw Hill, Milan. 2011
• Maghella P. Organizing and conducting a birth preparation course. Practical manual for operators. Red Editions. 2005
• Guide to the exercise of the obstetric profession. FNCO edition 2008 Scientific Medical Editions.
• Respiratory Autogenic Training and Psychoprophylaxis Obstetric U. Piscicelli Piccin Publisher Padua
• Yoga and pregnancy R. Beintema RED editions
• Intercultural Nursing D.F. Manara Carocci Faber Editions
• Transcultural dialogue M. Mazzetti Carocci Faber Editore
• Health and immigration N. Pasini M. Picozzi Franco Angeli Edizioni
• The 2001 Bethesda System
• Proceedings of the conference "From HPV infection to the management of the abnormal Pap Test and related HPV diseases" Bergamo 9/11/2013
• colposcopy: SIGO 2010 guidelines
• Management of the patient with abnormal Pap Test: 2006 SICPCV guidelines
• Ministry of Health website

