- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The following topics have been covered:
First part: PC
- brief computer science history
- hardware components
- software e and operating systems
Second part: imaging management
- compression techniques
- standard PACS and DICOM
Third part: Internet
- introduction to telecomunication
- net hardware
- net software
- internet protocols
oral test
To supply technical bases in information technology area with particular regards to hospital environment. Moreover to understand how a computers net has been conceived and managed.
After a brief panoramic regarding computer science history, the PC has been described in all its hardware components (CPU, I/O peripherals, memories).Then we treated software definition and description. In particular some operating system as been exposed as examples: Windows, MAC; Linux.
During the second part, imaging management has been explained. Imagies for diagnostic purposes are one of the most common and delicate datas managed in Hospital environmental. We treated imaging acquisition, processing and archiving. Then multimedia formats, compression techniques and PACS/DICOM nets have been exposed.
The third part of the course was about telecomunications in order to understand the basic principles for net origin and evolution. Net hardware components have been exposed (topology, transmission parts and interfaces) and software (protocols) components as well.
At the end an excursus on internet ambient as been done and in particular some fundamental topics as TCP/IP protocol, router, DNS, gateway, firewall, browser have been defined and analyzed.
Mentioned in slides
slides in electronic format
Credits: 1
Credits: 2