Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques

Academyc Year 2022/2023
First cycle degree in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques

L/SNT3 - Class Of First Degrees In Technical Healthcare Professions
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: VENTURINI MASSIMO

Year: 2

Year: 3

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

At the end of the course graduates in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques will be able to:

- Collect and interpret data and situations that characterize the professional activity in order to develop autonomous thoughts and judgments that include reflection on relevant issues and practices, either social, scientific or ethical;

- Use critical thinking skills to provide for effective technical-diagnostic and therapeutic performances;

- Take responsibility for their actions according to the work objectives and priorities;

- Identify the critical issues within the organization or in the diagnostic/therapeutic technical recommending solutions that suit the best evidences in compliance with professional ethics.

Teaching Tools: classroom activities, seminars, practical classes and laboratory and/or inside equipped premises, reading and interpretation of national and international literature, traineeship.

The results will be assessed through: written and oral examinations, practice both simulated and/or on elderly person, supervised traineeship in multiple contexts with increasing independence and responsibility.

Communication skills: 

At the end of the course graduates in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques will be able to:

- Effectively and understandably communicate: ideas, information, problems and solutions both to common people and specialists, reasoning the actions and decisions taken;

- Demonstrate the ability to listen and understand: patients, colleagues, doctors and other professionals;

- Communicate with patients respecting the cultural or ethnic differences;

- Use the proper lexicon, even in the English language, and verify the full comprehension of the information provided;

- Use the different specific technologies connected to the profession.

Teaching Tools: classroom activities, practical classes, seminars, traineeship.

The results will be assessed through: written and oral examinations, practical simulations, briefing with the tutor and the coordinator throughout the internship.

Learning skills: 

At the end of the course graduates in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques will have developed skills, strategies, learning methods and practical skills that are needed to autonomously continue high degree studies. In particular:

- Demonstrate skills self-assessment ability and outline the need for development and update;

- Demonstrate ability to study autonomously;

- Demonstrate autonomy in seeking for information that are necessary to solve problems or uncertainties during the professional practice by critically selecting the literature;

- Promote knowledge in academic and professional contexts.

Teaching Tools: classroom activities, practical classes, on-line and printed bibliographic research, traineeship, seminars focusing on problem-based learning (PBL).

The results will be assessed through: written and oral examinations on technical and professional aspects, research and educational papers.

Students graduate in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques after passing a final exam which takes place in two sessions: October-November and March-April . The final exam consists of a written paper a test to evaluate the technical and practical skills acquired. The written paper will be previously evaluated by an appointed internal commission that, before the expiry of the final exam admission application date, will examine the judge the papers as suitable or unsuitable. The internal commission itself will then propose to the final exam commission a final mark.