Academyc Year 2021/2022
Second cycle degree in MATHEMATICS

LM-40 - Mathematics
Place of teaching: Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: BAZZONI GIOVANNI

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

The students with a master’s degree in Mathematics:
a) have a thorough ability in identifying the meaningful elements needed for analyzing problems, even in non-mathematical contexts;
b) can assess the exactness of a proof as well as the coherence of an argument, identifying in a clear way hypotheses and consequences.
Such skills are provided and checked via all activities foreseen by the formation process, especially by the mean of seminars and the preparation of the master’s thesis.

Communication skills: 

The students with a master’s degree in Mathematics:
- can communicate in a clear way problems, ideas and solutions revolving about Mathematics, their own and from other authors, to a general and a specific audience, in their own language and in English, both in written and oral form;
- can talk in a clear and fruitful way with experts from other sectors, recognizing the possibility of formalizing situations of applied, industrial or financial interest in a mathematical
The skills listed above are acquired and checked via all activities foreseen by the educational process, in particular by the mean of seminars and the preparation for the final examination.

Learning skills: 

The students with a master’s degree in Mathematics:

- have developed a learning method that allows them to further continue their studies, particularly with a Doctorate in Mathematics or in related areas;
- have a flexible attitude, and are able to quickly integrate in working environments, adapting easily to new problems.

These learning abilities are developed along the whole educational period, thanks to different teaching methodologies, such as seminars, team works, reports, as well as further tasks related to the elaboration of the master’s thesis, during which the candidates must show autonomy in processing new information, not given by the instructor, understand them, analyze them, and explain them, and also providing original contributions.

La prova finale consiste nella presentazione e discussione di una tesi di fronte ad una commissione, la tesi deve essere elaborata in modo originale dallo studente sotto la guida di un relatore e redatta in lingua inglese. La tesi può essere una profonda rielaborazione critica di risultati presenti nella letteratura matematica, ovvero essere un'indagine originale su argomenti di ricerca. Può essere svolta sia presso l'università, sia presso gruppi di ricerca, Enti o imprese.