
Academyc Year 2021/2022
First cycle degree in Physiotherapy

L/SNT2 - Class Of First Degrees In Healthcare Rehabilitation Professions
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: FERRIERO GIORGIO

Year: 2

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

At the end of the course graduates will know and be able to autonomously apply the physiotherapy process using clinical reasoning as a tool guide within the various options which creates the different stages of the process itself. Such autonomy skill will be achieved through the ability to effectively respond to the individual and/or collective health needs, as a single operator or in team, thus choosing the best therapeutic strategies, identifying the right approaches and tools, collecting data (including social context analysis), patient examination, physiotherapy assessment /diagnosis, defining short, medium and long term prognosis and therapeutic targets, developing the treatment plan, selecting and applying appropriate methodologies and physiotherapy techniques to the clinical case (including intensity, time, type of professional technical approach) according to the best scientific evidence possible and available, according to the international and evidence based guidelines; ethically speaking graduates will operate in compliance with the professional, legal, medical and ethical standards and regulations.

The graduates judgment skills will result in the constant and appropriate use of communication, knowledge, technical skills , clinical reasoning (diagnostic and evaluation process), emotions , values , the careful consideration in daily practice of the individual or community returns.

Teaching Tools: classroom activities, educational workshops, practical lessons in laboratory and/or in fully equipped classrooms, traineeship, reading and interpretation of international literature.

Assessment methods: written and oral reports on technical/professional aspects, discussion of clinical cases, compilation of physiotherapy/rehabilitation records of real clinical cases; practical demonstration of the methodology and execution of specific maneuvers and techniques.

Communication skills: 

At the end of the course graduates will be able to best manage “communication” as an ability to establish a significant therapeutic relationship with the patient as well as an effective relationship with other professionals; graduates will also be able to use the communication tools thus proving to be able to compile physiotherapy records and therapeutic reports, to plan an intervention and so on, through a clear, concise, professional, technically and grammatically accurate oral and written communication, also clearly translating the technical language to the layman; graduates will be able to properly communicate in international scientific contexts, to convey ideas, problems and solutions.

Teaching Tools: classroom activities, laboratory simulation, traineeship.

Assessment methods: written reports on the communication aspects of the rehabilitation setting; briefing with tutors and coordinators; oral and written projects presentation; traineeship.

Learning skills: 

At the end of the course graduates will conduct a self-assessment of their training level to maintain their knowledge at the highest level required for professional practice and design self-training paths to deepen their skills, in particular on Evidence Based Practice in rehabilitation and physiotherapy.

During the three years graduates will acquire learning skills and competencies which, at the end of the course, allow them to continue their studies, consisting of a second cycle degree LM/SNT/02 Class, advanced, high permanent and recurrent scientific courses (1st and 2nd level master courses, advanced courses), refresher and in-depth courses (Continuing Medical Education), with a high level of independence.

This ability will develop and be tested through the exams, the traineeship frequency and evaluation, where theory is combined with practice, the critical use of scientific literature and bibliography to prepare the final exam.

Teaching Tools: classroom activities, seminars, laboratory simulation, traineeship.

Assessment methods: theoretical and practical examinations, written and oral reports on the technical/professional aspects, discussion of clinical cases, definition of the rehabilitation Project/Program and compilation of physiotherapy/rehabilitation records of simulated and real clinical cases; research and educational material outputs.

The final exam also qualifies for professional practice and consists of: a) a practical exam where students demonstrate proper knowledge and skills; b) the drafting and dissertation of a final work (degree thesis). The final exam is worth 6 credits. The final mark is included between 66 – 110 cum laude. (See Law 502/1992, art. 6, subparagraph 3 and Decree February 19th 2009, art.7)