Academyc Year 2021/2022
Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY

LM-41 - Medicine
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: TOZZI MATTEO

Year: 2

Year: 4

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

Graduates must have the ability to integrate knowledge and manage complexity, as well as make judgments based on even limited or incomplete information, including reflection on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their judgments and knowledge. Therefore they must be able to:
1. demonstrate, in carrying out professional activities, a critical approach, constructive skepticism and a creative, research-oriented attitude
2. identify and address the patient's problems, using the knowledge acquired during the course of studies and constantly updated through independent access to various sources of scientific information
3. be aware of the role that complexity, uncertainty and probability have in decisions made during the medical practice
4. be aware of the moral and ethical principles and legal responsibilities that underlie the medical profession
5. respect and promote professional values ​​which include excellence, altruism, responsibility, compassion, empathy, reliability, honesty, integrity, commitment to following scientific methods
6. recognize that good medical practice strictly depends on the creation and maintenance of good relationships with the patient and his family, to safeguard the well-being, cultural diversity and autonomy of the patient.
These skills are achieved through frontal teaching activities, interactive discussion of clinical cases with teachers and tutors, interaction with patients during professional training.
The results obtained are verified through oral exams, but above all during professional internships through continuous interaction with teachers and tutors, interaction which allows for a prolonged and constructive critical discussion on clinical and ethical issues.
Furthermore, these skills are verified during the preparation, presentation and discussion of the degree thesis.

Communication skills: 

Graduates must be able to clearly explain to patients and their families, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors, the diagnostic hypotheses, the path to reaching the diagnosis and the possible therapeutic choices; they must also be able to choose, on different occasions, the most appropriate approach and communication methods, based on the circumstances and characteristics of the interlocutor.
Therefore they must be able to:
1) listen carefully to extract and summarize relevant information on all issues
2) acquire the ability to clearly convey information about health problems to the patient and his family, enabling the interlocutors to share the necessary decisions as equal partners
3) communicate effectively with colleagues, with the medical-scientific community, with other sectors, including non-specialist ones, and with the media
4) interact with other professionals involved in patient care through efficient teamwork
5) demonstrate to have the basic skills and correct attitudes in teaching others
6) demonstrate good sensitivity towards cultural and personal factors that improve interactions with patients and the community
7) communicate effectively both orally and in written form
8) create and maintain clear, complete and exhaustive medical records
9) summarize and present information appropriate to the audience's needs and discuss achievable action plans that represent priorities for the individual and the community

These skills are achieved through the interactive discussion of clinical cases with teachers and tutors and above all through direct and guided interaction by tutors with patients during professional internships.
In particular, the ability to prepare written reports on clinical cases is acquired mainly during professional training through the guided writing of the patient's clinical history.
The results obtained are verified through oral exams, but above all during professional internships through direct interaction with teachers, an interaction that allows for a prolonged and constructive critical discussion.
Furthermore, these skills are verified during the presentation and discussion of the degree thesis

Learning skills: 

Graduates must have developed the learning skills that allow them to continue studying and updating independently and critically.
To this aim they must be able to:
l) collect, organize and critically evaluate health and biomedical information from the various available sources,
2) collect specific patient information from clinical data management systems and applications.
3) use technology associated with information and communications as a valid support for diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive practices, for the surveillance and monitoring of the state of health.
4) understand the application and also the limits of new health technologies
5) manage a good archive of their medical practice.

These skills are achieved through frontal teaching activities, theoretical-practical courses aimed at acquiring IT skills and the ability to use scientific platforms, critical reading of scientific works in Italian and English, guided writing of short scientific reports.
The results obtained are verified by evaluating the short scientific reports, the critical skills demonstrated in the discussion of cases during the clinical internship and the work carried out for the preparation of the degree thesis.

La prova finale consiste nella redazione, esposizione e discussione, in seduta pubblica, di un elaborato originale, finalizzato a dimostrare l'acquisizione di specifiche competenze scientifiche in ambito medico chirurgico e la capacità di elaborazione critica, sotto la supervisione di un docente del corso di laurea in qualità di relatore. La presentazione prevede l'esposizione alla commissione di: scopo del lavoro, metodi utilizzati, risultati ottenuti e discussione dei risultati, discussione che comprende il confronto con i dati della letteratura, le ricadute cliniche e i potenziali sviluppi successivi. Per la presentazione il candidato utilizza strumenti e programmi informatici utili ad una esposizione più immediata, schematica e chiara.
Nella prova finale il candidato dovrà mostrare una conoscenza approfondita e una piena maturità di giudizio nei settori che definiscono il percorso di studi ed in particolare nell'ambito specifico scelto come argomento della tesi.
La commissione costituita da docenti del Corso di Studio valuterà il candidato sulla base di: curriculum, preparazione scientifica , capacità di approfondimento e di integrazione tra discipline diverse, senso critico e abilità comunicative.