Computer Science and the Mathematics of Computation 2019-2020
Description of the course
Scientific Areas: 01 – Mathematics and Computer Science; 09 – Industrial and information Engineering, 13 – Economics and Statistics.
Scientific-educational fields: INF/01; ING-INF/05; MAT/01; MAT/05, MAT/07, MAT/08, SECS-S/01
Educational Objectives and Research Activities
The goal of this program is to prepare students with a sound cultural background, providing them with a high level of flexibility, open minded and in-depth cutting edge competences in specific fields. These students will be able to carry out, manage and disseminate independent theoretical and/or applied research activities at an international level. They will be able to design mathematical models aimed at defining and building complex Information Technology (IT) systems, develop innovative IT applications and transfer their knowledge to the private sector, thereby also contributing to strengthening the role played by Italian industrial organizations in the global economic scenario. Our Ph.D. program stresses an interdisciplinary approach that nowdays characterizes most of the advances researches worldwide.
The Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics offered by Università degli Studi dell’Insubria is jointly administered by Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche ed Applicate (Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences) and by Dipartimento di Scienze ed Alta Tecnologia (Department of Sciences and High Tecnology). The program is aimed at students interested in obtaining research positions in universities as well as in government or industrial research institutions. Normally, the Ph.D. program lasts three years. There are currently 9 available positions: 7 of of them come with a fellowship granted by our university, the remaining two have no associated grant. Additional grants might come from research projects supported by funding agencies and/or private companies. The program is articulated into two phases. The first 18 months are mainly devoted to attending courses and seminars at both Università degli Studi dell’Insubria or elsewhere (other universities, national or international PhD schools, etc.). In this respect, the students have a significant amount of flexibility in building up their own study plan; attending courses at other Italian and foreign universities, is highly encouraged. The second 18 months are mainly devoted to independent research activity under the guidance of a supervisor. The program also financially encourages students and supervisors to plan towards longer term research visits to international research venues. The main outcome of a Ph.D. course of study is a Ph.D. dissertation collecting original research work carried out by the student. This will typically take the form of publications in international journals and/or proceedings of international research conferences. The dissertation will be defended in front of a defense jury made up of external experts.
Call PHD Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)
Website for further informations about the call PHD Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)
Admission requirements
All applicants to our Ph.D. program must have completed a five-year university curriculum (for instance, a three-year Bachelor plus a two-year Master). They are expected to demonstrate a sound background in Computer Science and/or Computational Mathematics, fluency in English and a strong motivation for research. Applicants are ranked according to their Curriculum Vitae (CV) and the result of an oral examination usually done in September. The public oral examination may also be carried out through video-conferencing tools. The 7 top ranked applicants qualify for a grant as well as a tuition fee waiver. The remaining applicants may either be admitted with no grant or not admitted at all
Frequency and teaching program
The PhD school, in collaboration with the Coordinators and other University Offices, organizes, also in common among several PhD courses, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training and linguistic and IT training activities, as well as, in the field of research management and knowledge of European and international research systems, the enhancement of research results and intellectual property.
These courses are integrated from year to year, complementary to the research activities conducted by doctoral students:
- Training activities planned for the a.y. 2019/2020: this PhD course has as its primary purpose the postgraduate training of scholars and researchers in Computer Science and Mathematics of Calculus that provides them with frontier skills on specific research topics. Particular attention is paid to not only specialist but also interdisciplinary training of doctoral students, precisely by virtue of the need for fundamental transversal skills in advanced research and in consideration of the great pervasiveness of Computer Science and Calculus Mathematics in all productive and social sectors. High-quality specialist training is guaranteed by the skills and research experience of the proposing College of Teachers.
The first 12 months are mainly dedicated to attending courses and seminars, both within the University of Insubria and elsewhere. Wide flexibility is allowed to students in the construction of personalized curricula, but they are required to follow and take the exam of at least 4 PhD courses. The second and third year are characterized mainly by independent research and dissemination activities, which will form the doctoral thesis, written in English, under the guidance of a supervisor. In addition to participation in summer schools and international conferences, a period of stay at a foreign research institute is recommended and encouraged. At the end of each year, the PhD student is required to illustrate the activity carried out at the Faculty Board.
For further information consult the website of the Course - English language course reserved for PhD students (established starting from the 2015/2016 academic year and re-proposed once a year)
- Workshops, seminars and events
Teaching activity: The teaching activities available to the PhD students are proposed annually by the PhD Board.Duration: 3 years
c/o Dipartimento di Scienze teorichee applicate – Dista
Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Via Dunant, 3 - 21100 Varese - Italy
Coordinator: Prof.ssa Barbara Carminati
Contacts: Tel. +39 (0)332398951
This PhD is established for the XXXV cycle.
Are expected
total places: 9
scholarships: 7
places without scholarship: 2
To register, you must participate in the relevant selection announcement.
Please see also:
Italian announcement