Professore Associato
Orario di ricevimento:

Last updated January 24th 2019

Professor Galli is available to meet the students any working day, preferably by appointment.
Her office is located on the third floor of the building in via Valleggio 9, Como.
She can be contacted also by e-mail ( and phone (+39 031 238 6627).

031 238 6626,031 238 6627,031 238 6633

Last updated July 24th 2019


  • October 2014-on:
    Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (SSD CHIM/03) at the Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy.
  • December 2005-September 2014:
    Assistant Professor (SSD CHIM/03) at the Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy.
  • November 2001-October 2005:
    Post-doc fellow at the Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Ambientali, Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy.
  • September 2004 and July 2005:
    Visiting Scientist at the Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Universidad de Granada, Spain.
  • November 1998-October 2001:
    PhD student in Chemical Sciences at the Dipartimento di Chimica Strutturale e Stereochimica Inorganica, Università di Milano, Italy.
  • October 1998:
    Degree in Chemistry with the mark of 110/110 cum laude at the Università di Milano, Italy.

Honours and Awards:

  • Co-Chair of the Special Interest Group 07 of the European Crystallographic Association (2018-on)
  • Treasurer of the Italian Crystallographic Association (2018-on).
  • Treasurer of the Italian Crystallographic Association (2015-2017).
  • Member of the Teaching Commission of the Italian Crystallographic Association in the period 2008-2010.
  • 2007 Nardelli Prize awarded by the Italian Crystallographic Association ‘for the innovative applications, witnessed by a large number of high-level publications, based on different diffractometric techniques to design new inorganic materials of interest for theoretical and applied sciences.’

Scientific Activity:

Scientific collaborations are or have been at work with national and international research groups, at the University of Insubria (Prof. Norberto Masciocchi and Angelo Maspero, Dr. Luca Nardo), the University of Milano (Prof. Angelo Sironi and Elena Cariati, Dr. Valentina Colombo), the University of Milano Bicocca (Prof. Angiolina Comotti), the University of Camerino (Prof. Claudio Pettinari, Dr. Corrado Di Nicola), ICCOM-CNR (Dr. Anrea Rossin), the University of Turin (Proff. Silvia Bordiga and Carlo Lamberti), the University of Sassari (Prof. Antonio Zucca) in Italy; the University of Granada (Prof. Jorge A.R. Navarro and Francisco Maldonado Hodar) in Spain; the University of North Texas (Prof. Mohammad A. Omary), the University of California, Berkeley, (Prof. Jeffrey R. Long) in the USA, The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Dr. Carlotta Giacobbe) in France.

The scientific activity has comprised supervising or co-supervising of 13 BS or MS Thesis and 4 PhD Thesis and is witnessed also by:

  • Participation to the Project PRIN2015 (30/09/2016 - on): "Nanoporous materials with tailored structure for high performance methane storage and purification".
  • Participation to the COST Action 1302 "Smart Inorganic Polymers (SIPs)" (01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017).
  • Junior grant (01/07/2015 to 30/06/2016) funded by University of Insubria for the Project "Framework metallorganici contenenti leganti perfluorurati come materiali innovativi a bassa costante dielettrica”.
  • Participation to the Project 2011-0289 (01/01/2011 to 31/12/2012): "Metal-Organic-based Nanocrystal Arrays with Large Induced Shape Anisotropy (MONA LISA)" funded by Fondazione Cariplo.
  • Participation to the Project 2009-2446 (01/01/2009 to 31/12/2010): "Nanocrystals of Technological and Biomedical Interest: Structural and Functional Aspects" funded by Fondazione Cariplo.
  • Participation to the Project 2007-5117 (01/04/2008 to 31/03/2010): "Development of nanostructured hybrid materials for the storage and the separation of gases of energetic and environmental relevance" founded by Fondazione Cariplo.
  • Participation to the Project PRIN2006 (2006038447_002, 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2008) "Polyfunctional Hybrid Metal-organic Frameworks Based on Multidentate N-donor Ligands".

Scientific Production:

H-index: 36
Number of citations: 3.823 (3451 without self citations)
Number of papers with 100+ citations: 9
Number of papers with 50+ citations: 23
Number of papers in the past 10 years: 65
(source Web of Science, July 24th 2019)

The scientific production also comprises:

  • co-authoring of the chapter X-Ray Powder Diffraction Characterization of Polymeric Metal Diazolates in Techniques in Inorganic Chemistry, J.P. Fackler Jr., L.R. Falvello Eds., CRC Press, 2010 ISBN 978-14-3981-514-4;
  • co-authoring of the chapter Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction in Crystallography for Health and Biosciences, N. Masciocchi and A. Guagliardi Eds., Insubria University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-88-95362-48-9;
  • co-authoring of the book Cristallografia: la visione a Raggi X by S. Galli, P. Roversi, M. Moret, 2014, ISBN 978-88-9045-616-9.

Oral contributions to Schools and Congresses

1) September 24th-27th 2002 (Bressanone, Italy)
XXXII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia
Oral communication “XRPD characterisation of metal coordination complexes with polyazaheteroaromatic ligands”

2) March 24th 2003 (Como, Italy)
Workshop “Chimica dello Stato Solido e Materiali Funzionali”
Oral communication “Crystallographic aspects of metal coordination complexes: the invaluable role of ab-initio XRPD methods”

3) March 25th 2004 (Milan, Italy)
Bruker Axs Users’ Meeting
Oral communication “Termodiffrattometria con D8 Advance”

4) September 8th-12th 2004 (Camerino, Italy)
III EUCHEM: “Nitrogen Ligands in Coordination Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis”
Poster presentation “Polymeric metal pyrimidinolates”

5) September 19th–23rd 2005 (Lugo, Spain)
XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química
Oral communication “Polímeros de coordinación polifuncionales con ligandos pirimidinolato”

6) September 10th-14th 2006 (Barcelona, Spain)
QIES06: 6a Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido - 12a Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica
Oral communication “Polímeros de coordinación con 5-fluoro-2-pirimidinolato: adsorbentes reversibles de gases”

7) September 24th– 28th 2007 (Copanello di Stalettì, Italy)
MISCA: First meeting of the Italian and Spanish Crystallographic Associations
Nardelli Prize Awarding Lecture “Playing with powder diffraction on functional transition metal pyridiminolates”

8) September 16th-19th 2008 (Almuñecar, Spain)
QIES-08: 7a Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido - 13a Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica
Oral communication “Polímeros de coordinación nanoporosos: un ejemplo de artesanía molecular”

9) January 16th-18th 2009 (Camerino, Italy)
First International Workshop on New Hybrid Metalorganic Materials
Oral communication “Nanoporous coordination polymers: selected examples from the metal-pyrimidinolate family”

10) August 16th-21st 2009 (Istanbul, Turkey)
25th European Crystallographic Meeting
Oral communication “Powder diffraction structural studies at ambient and non ambient conditions on porous coordination polymers”

11) August 30th – September 4th 2009 (Camerino, Italy)
AIC International School “Scattering Techniques: From microscopic To Atomic structures”
Lecture “Applications of powder diffraction”

12) February 11th 2010 (Turin, Italy)
NIS Colloquium “MOFs: recent results and new perspectives”
Oral communication “Guest adsorption and separation in porous coordination polymers with polyazolate ligands: an XRPD insight”

13) April 1st 2010 (Como, Italy)
Workshop “Sviluppo di materiali ibridi nanostrutturati per l'immagazzinamento e la separazione selettiva di gas di rilevanza energetico-ambientale”
Oral communication “Polimeri di Coordinazione Porosi con Proprietà Funzionali basati su Leganti Poliazotati”

14) August 27th-30th 2010 (Darmstadt, Germany)
12th European Powder Diffraction Conference
Oral communication “Octanuclear Ni(II) Clusters in PCP’s: Combining XRPD, XAS and IR/UV Spectroscopy”

15) August 22nd–29th 2011 (Madrid, Spain)
XXII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography
Oral communication “Chemical and thermal stability of PCPs showing intriguing adsorption performances”

16) November 23rd 2011 (Bergamo, Italy)
Workshop “MOFs for industrial applications”
Oral communication “Pyrazolato-based MOFs: an example of remarkable thermal, mechanical and chemical stability”

17) October 28th–31st 2012 (Grenoble, France)
13th European Powder Diffraction Conference
Oral communication “Structural and functional richness of bipyrazolato-based coordination polymers”

18) August 25th–29th 2013 (Coventry, United Kingdom)
28th European Crystallographic Meeting
Oral communication “Structure and properties of robust bipyrazolato-based coordination polymers”

19) November 21st–22nd 2013 (Milano, Italy)
Workshop “Natta’s seeds grow. From the crystallography and modeling of stereoregular polymers to the challenges of complex systems”
Oral communication “The dark side of the Moon: functional polymers featuring robust coordinative bonds”

20) July 1st–4th 2014 (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland)
Powder Diffraction School “Modern Synchrotron Methods”
Lecture “Introduction to powder diffraction”

21) September 14th–18th 2015 (Vercelli, Italy)
XLIV Annual Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association
Oral communication “Promising Low-Dielectric-Constant Materials: Metal-organic Frameworks and Coordination Polymers”

22) February 16th 2016 (Milan, Italy)
Workshop "Analisi di fase Qualitativa e Quantitativa per applicazioni industriali e ambientali" Lecture "Diffrazione X da polveri: concetti base e aspetti pratici"

23) June 21st-25th 2016 (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain)
MISCA 2016: IV Meeting of the Italian and Spanish Crystallographic Associations.
Oral communication "Metal azolate/carboxylate as catalysts in oxidative and C-C coupling reactions"

24) August 22nd-26th 2016 (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland)
Powder Diffraction School “Modern Synchrotron Methods”
Lecture “Introduction to powder diffraction”

25) June 14th–18th 2017 (Perugia, Italy)
XLVI Annual Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association
Oral communication “Unveiling CO2 adsorption in the triangular channels of Fe2(BPEB)3 by in-situ and operando high-resolution and high-energy PXRD”

26) September 12th-14th 2017 (Granada, Spain)
International Symposium On Composites of Metal and Covalent Organic Frameworks: Fundamental Design & Applications
Oral communication “Shading light on CO2 adsorption in the triangular channels of Fe2(BPEB)3 by in-situ and operando high-resolution and high-energy PXRD”

27) June 25th-28th 2018 (Rome, Italy)
3rd Joint AIC-SILS Conference
Oral communication “Is it gold all that glitters in an API patent? The illustrative case of Tadalafil”

28) August 22nd-27th 2018 (Oviedo, Spain)
31st European Crystallographic Meeting
Oral communication “CO2 adsorption sites in the triangular channels of Fe2(BPEB)3: an insight by in-situ and operando
high-resolution and high-energy PXRD”

Organization of Schools and Congresses

1)  Workshop on XD2006 program package, “Advanced Methods in X-Ray Charge Density Analysis: Extracting Properties from a Multipole Refinement”
September 3rd-6th 2007 (Martina Franca, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

2) Fifth European Charge Density Meeting in conjunction with the DFG-1178 Annual Meeting
June 6th-11th 2008 (Gravedona, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

3)  AIC International School “Scattering Techniques: Form Microscopic To Atomic Structures”
August 30th – September 4th 2009 (Camerino, Italy)
Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee

4)  PSI\AIC\SSCr\SGK Summer School on “Diffraction at the Nanoscale: Nanocrystals, Defective and Amorphous Materials”
May 23rd – 30th 2010 (Villigen, Switzerland)
Member of the Organizing Committee

5)  AIC International School “Crystallography beyond Diffraction: the Role of Spectroscopy and Theoretical Calculations in Revealing Structural Information”
July 4th – 8th 2011 (Camerino, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

6)  5th EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands
September 4th–8th 2011 (Granada, Spain)
Member of the Scientific Committee

7)  Insubria International Summer School “Crystallography for Health and Biosciences”
June 18th-23rd 2012 (Como, Italy)
Chair of the Organizing Committee

8)  Meeting of the Italian, Spanish and Swiss Crystallographic Associations
September 9th–12th 2013 (Como, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

9)  XLIV Annual Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association
September 14th–18th 2015 (Vercelli, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

10) I European School on Crystal Growth
September 5th–8th 2015 (Bologna, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

11) AIC International Crystallography School 2016 "Polymorphism, stability and phase transitions in crystals: Theory, experiments and applications"
September 7th–11th 2016 (Rimini, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

12) XLVI Annual Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association
June 26th–29th 2017 (Vercelli, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

13) 2nd International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials
September 13th–15th 2017 (Parma, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

14) AIC International School 2017 "Bridging the gap between cryo-EM and crystallography"
September 3rd–6th 2017 (Pavia, Italy)

15) Italian Crystal Growth 2017
November 20th-21st 2017 (Milano, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

16) 3rd Joint AIC-SILS Conference
June 25th-28th 2018 (Rome, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

17) Italian Crystallographic Association 2018 International School
August 29th– September 2nd 2018 (Bari, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

18) 1st International School on Advanced Porous Materials
June 17th – 21st 2019 (Como, Italy)
School Director

19) V Meeting of the Italian and spanish Crystallographic Associations
September 4th – 7th 2019 (Neaples, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

20) Italian Crystallographic Association 2019 International School
August 29th– September 3rd 2019 (Neaples, Italy)
Member of the Organizing Committee

Academic Year: 2022/2023

Academic Year: 2021/2022

Academic Year: 2020/2021

Academic Year: 2019/2020

Academic Year: 2018/2019

Academic Year: 2017/2018

Academic Year: 2016/2017