Professore Ordinario
Orario di ricevimento:

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Full Professor in EU Law from 1st May 2023
Former Associate Professor in EU Law from 1st October 2017
Former Researcher in European Union Law, University of Insubria from 1st march 2012
Professor in EU Law for the course in Law, University of Insubria, Department of Law, Economy and Cultures, seat of Como, from year 2014/2015
Professor in EU Law for the course in Law, University of Insubria, Department of Law, Economy and Cultures, seat of Varese, from year 2013/2014
Professor in EU Law for the course in Tourism Sciences, University of Insubria, Department of Law, Economy and Cultures, seat of Como, from year 2013/2014
Professor in EU Law, II part, The Internal Market, for the course in Law, University of Insubria, Department of Law, Economy and Cultures, seat of Como, in year 2012/2013
Professor in International Family Law for the specializing course in Law, University of Insubria, Department of Law, Economy and Cultures, seat of Como, in year 2011/2012
Professor in EU Administrative Law, University of Insubria, Faculty of Law, from year 2010/2011 to year 2012/2013
Member of the Committee of Professors of the Ph.D in History and Theory of Institutions, University of Insubria, from 8th October 2012
Member of the Committee of Professors of the Ph.D in Law and Social Sciences, University of Insubria, from 11th September 2013
Entitled as lawyer on 8th August 2007